“A modern GP practice
delivering a traditional service”

Cheadle Medical Practice

Your Referral

If you are waiting for a hospital appointment, unfortunately your GP practice cannot speed this up. If your condition is worsening, please discuss this with your specialist so they can decide if you need to be seen sooner.

You can also contact the hospital’s Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).


While You Wait

While You Wait is a resource designed to support people with their physical and mental wellbeing while they wait for NHS treatment.

The website has an accessibility toolbar which lets visitors translate the content into over 100 languages, hear the text out loud, use reading aids and change text style.

Please click here for more information.


Expedite Form

You can download an expedite letter to send to the hospital here. You can either fill this in on your computer or print it out, then send to the hospital.


“Two Week Wait (2ww)” Referrals

If you have a two week wait referral and haven’t heard within the timeframe, please contact the practice.


Date published: 23rd May, 2022
Date last updated: 28th October, 2023